
To our Community,

In the year ending December 2022, New Zealand families lost 125 people in crashes involving drivers who were under the influence of Alcohol. A further 206 were seriously injured.

Whilst New Zealand Police officers are on the roads 24/7 conducting alcohol breath screening tests, in the weeks leading up to Christmas and the New Year the intensity of the testing and number of checkpoints increases.

Why? Because traditionally this is when businesses and workplaces finish up for the year and have ‘End of Year’ functions which leads to an increase in the number of people driving under the influence of alcohol.

This Christmas / New Year, NZ Police will be putting more staff on the roads and conducting an increased number of alcohol checkpoints. Whilst you will still see some larger checkpoints on the main roads, we will also be conducting smaller ‘Pop Up’ checkpoints on rural and urban routes which are traditionally ‘back roads’ taken by motorists to avoid checkpoints. These ‘Pop Up’ checkpoints will take place both during the day and the evenings.

Why are we telling you this?

Because we do not want anyone impaired by alcohol to be driving. A 100% successful campaign for Police will be thousands of breath screening tests conducted with zero drivers over the limit. We do not want to catch people drink driving we want to prevent them doing so.

Whilst ultimately the driver is responsible for his or her actions, we would like to see more businesses and employers considering their employee’s well-being by ensuring either designated sober drivers or alternative transport is available, and please do not let an employee, colleague, or work mate drive when they are impaired by alcohol. By doing this you may save their life or someone’s else.

How can you help?

We would appreciate your organisation distributing this messaging through your communication channels to as many businesses / Industries as possible. We are taking a prevention approach that needs your support in spreading this messaging.

Our messaging is ‘ We are not the fun Police, have your fun but please be safe on our Roads and do not drink and drive’. If you drive impaired, you may lose your licence or worse someone’s life.

Kind Regards and safe travels


For more information +64 9 570 1188

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Jay Acton Kiwi-Dragon Cultural Exchange Scholarship 

About the Scholarship

CNSST Jay Acton Kiwi-Dragon Cultural Exchange Scholarship (hereafter: JA KD Scholarship) was initiated and is administered by CNSST Foundation (CNSST).

The purpose of the scholarship is to provide the opportunity of a trip to China to young local Kiwis who are not are not of Chinese descent and whose family circumstances could not otherwise afford it.

The scholarship is funded by CNSST through its organized fundraising events.

Scholarship Coverage

The aim of the JA KD Scholarship is to provide an opportunity for local students to gain an understanding of or enrich their knowledge of Chinese culture so as to have a positive impact to the development of their social and cultural values on their life journey.

The scholarship covers:

Please note: the scholarship excludes all spending on personal items or items unspecified above.

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria & Application Process

To be eligible, the applicant needs to show:

Additional Requirements:


Disclaimer: CNSST Board reserves the discretion to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate all or any part of the programmes on an individual case basis or in general, and at any time without notice.

The application form can be downloaded from here.


For more information +64 9 570 1188

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Love Food Hate Waste – Chinese Community Campaign


In acknowledgement of the support from Auckland Council Love Food Hate Waste Fund



Project period is from July 2021 to September 2022.

Project target is Chinese community in Auckland.

Through mass media promotion, the LFHW Chinese Community Campaign have reached out 10,000 Chinese people in Auckland and New Zealand via TV and Radio Campaign.


CNSST run an educational campaign in Chinese community that focus on delivering innovative activities aimed at changing wasteful behaviours including:


The purpose of this project responds to the initiative of Auckland Council’s Love Food Hate Waste to reduce food waste:


For more information +64 9 570 1188

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“Unite Against COVID-19” Online Mental Health Workshop

This workshop is aimed to help diverse populations including seniors, parents, and couples to cope with their common mental issues during COVID-19. It provides integrated support in the basis of mental wellbeing guidelines and social supporting resources.


For more information +64 9 570 1188

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For more information +64 9 570 1188

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Health & Well-Being全面身心健康





Work and Income:福利以及工资补贴



AT Mobile real-time updates on train capacity levels
奥克兰交通局AT Mobile APP 实时更新火车乘坐人数

奥克兰交通局已更新其AT Mobile APP,最新功能可以向用户显示在任何特定时间有多少人乘坐火车以及列车时刻表. 请参看:


Ministry of Education: 教育部信息
针对学生,家庭和教育机构的有关新冠肺炎的信息和建议, 请参阅:

关于如何理解何种行业可以被定义为必要行业(Essential Business),请参阅:


有关新冠肺炎的信息,请参阅卫生部网站和新冠肺炎官方网站, 请参阅:

Unite against COVID-19 – https://covid19.govt.nz/

Tertiary Education Commission:   高等教育委员会


https://thelowdown.co.nz/ 该网站提供帮助年轻人认识和理解情绪低落和焦虑的信息。

更新:2020年4月3日: 禁止进入高等教育的场所。关于何种情况下哪些渠道可以允许进入,请参阅:
https://www.tec.govt.nz/assets/Forms-templates-and-guides/Tertiary-education-site-access-COVID-19-template.docx .




复活节或者其他时候不允许去度假屋, 必须待在现在和一开始就待的地址。




For more information +64 9 570 1188

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华社服Panmure老年公寓 – 新冠病毒抗疫简报,请参阅以下的链接:



For more information +64 9 570 1188

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“Unite Against Covid-19” CNSST Service Response System
“守望的天空” 华社服基金会新冠病毒抗疫服务系统

随着Delta社区病例突然的出现,新西兰政府宣布了4级国家警报。为立即应对这一情况,CNSST华社服基金会团队已从2021年8月18日起恢复其 “团结起来对抗Covid-19 “CNSST抗疫服务系统。在这个特别困难的时期,以社区的健康和安全为首要任务,CNSST将与您团结合作,提供一系列必要的抗疫服务。本着相互支持和协作的精神,我们都可以满怀信心地期待未来更光明的日子。九个类别的服务具体内容如下:

1. Covid-19 新冠确诊病例及其密切接触者 – 隔离期紧急支持 (由NRHCC转介):

2. COVID-19疫苗接种预约:(请联系CNSST总部:09-5701188)。
华社服志愿者中心已与疫苗接种中心和WDHB的亚洲健康服务合作,确保社区成员能够预订疫苗接种, 并获得语言上的支持。我们每天会有10个疫苗接种名额供社区居民预约。

3. 社区联络服务(CCS)和重要信息更新(请联系Gloria 021 990 082):

• 华社服微信公众号: CNSST-NZ-2014
• 华社服官网: www.cnsst.org.nz

4. CNSST CCS社区联络服务 救助金(请联系Rachel 0222 760582)。
社会发展部(MSD)已指定华社服基金会作为CCS社区联络服务移民社区的服务窗口之一, 也是政府CCS救助金的管理者之一。对于无法获得其他经济援助的家庭,如果您符合以下情况之一,并需要紧急经济支持,可以通过我们申请相关的资金补助:


5. 线上教育及公益课

• 青少年亲子教育课程
• 积极父母教养课程
• 育儿教育工具箱课程

6.  线上一对一专业顾问咨询和后续服务:

7. 华社服社会住房服务:
华社服基金会为在其CNSST Kotuku House的租户建立了一个沟通渠道和安全监管系统。旨在确保所有租户在封锁期间的健康和安全。华社服社会住房团队全天候待命,随时准备在租户最需要的时候提供支持。我们提供免费的线上太极班,鼓励所有租户保持健康和身心活跃。在这个困难时期,我们致力于提供持续的支持和帮助。如果您有任何与社会住房有关的事项,请通过housing@cnsst.org.nz与华社服基金会社会住房团队联系。

8. 多种语言支持服务

英语: Jay: 021 276 0555
希腊语&蒙语: Peter: 022 276 0581
普通话&广东话: Rachel: 022 276 0582
日语&上海话: Jiajia: 021 760 591
韩语: John: 022 276 0580
马来语,福建话&客家话: Magdalene: 021 760 589

9. 其他服务咨询:

华社服总部电话: 09-5701188
电子邮件: info@cnsst.org.nz
网址: www.cnsst.org.nz

尊敬的华人朋友,在此特殊时期,新西兰华社服基金会团队会将一如既往为您服务。关于此项新冠病毒抗疫服务系统,如果您有任何意见和建议,请联络华社服总经理 Jenny WANG QSM, Executive Director at 021 760 582 或发送电子邮件至management@cnsst.org.nz

“He waka eke noa, 让我们携手一起共渡难关!”



For more information +64 9 570 1188

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受奥克兰Whau地方政府和奥克兰市议会旅游·活动·经济发展处ATEED的委托及内政部少数民族社区发展办公室的资助,华社服“经商有道”2016年奥克兰移民企业家论坛于2016年8月25日在美丽的奥克兰Kumeu的Soljans Estate Winery酒庄成功举办。

本次论坛是华社服就业及企业部于今年7月开始启动的奥克兰西区NewLynn和Rosebank 等地“移民商家互助网”项目的第二阶段内容。该项目实地调查了102个移民商家并将于8月末向地方政府提交调研报告,如实地反馈西区移民商家的问题和困难以寻求支持和解决方案。

来自68家企业的98与会者围绕主题:“联络Connecting,学习learning和发展developing, 各商家不仅老友重聚和结交新友以拓展商业网络。还通过演讲学到了许多经济法律知识及市政府有关商业的服务等,包括:

与会者还面对面地和有关政府和非政府部门现场互动解答问题,到场机构包括:新西兰商业创新经济部,税务局,意外赔偿局,地方政府,奥克兰市议会旅游活动经济发展处,西区Rosebank商业协会等。最后,在酒庄提供的美味早茶和午餐品尝后结束了“经商有道”- 2016年奥克兰移民企业家论坛。

作为活动组织者,华社服感谢与会企业家的参与也高兴地从评估表中了解到,大家一致赞扬“联络,学习和发展”的主题,论坛组织的形式高大上内容接地气,参与者有机会答疑解惑交友拓展商圈,一致认为收获多有帮助。希望华社服今后能多组织此类专业论坛以建立企业与政府交流的平台。在此特别鸣谢以下赞助单位:Settling-In Fund, OEC; Whau Local Board; ATEED; ANZ Bank.

Forum Journal (Click to Open or Download)


For more information +64 9 570 1188

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