Our Staff

Management Team

CNSST Foundation began in 1998 with no paid staff members. Since then we have grown to the point we have now a body of professional paid full-time and part-time staff, contractors and a team of loyal volunteers as well who fill a variety of roles.  Current staff is made up of:

  • 20 paid full time staff members
  • 15 paid part-time staff
  • 74 contracted professionals

Over 50 unpaid long term volunteers including: Board members, lawyers providing legal advice, IT professionals and speakers at our educational workshops.

Management Team:
Jenny Lingjuan Wang , QSM ( Founded CNSST in 1998
Position: Executive Director
March 1997 (unpaid), paid since February 2000
Qualifications & Awards:

  • QSM
  • Master of Education Theory
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Diploma in Social & Community Work

Connie Gang Li
Position: Senior Manager, Finance & Office
October 2004
Qualifications & Awards:

  • Associate Chartered Accountant
  • MYOB Certified Consultant
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
  • Bachelor of Business in Accounting
  • Bachelor of Business in Management
  • Diploma of Engineering

Gloria Yaping Gao
Position: Chief Operations Manager
August 2006
Qualifications & Awards:

  • Master of Social Work, Applied
  • Bachelor of Arts

Rachel Yu Huang
Senior Manager, Social Enterprise & Licensed Immigration Consultant (NZ & Australia)
Started May 2012

  • Graduate Diploma of Arts in Social Policy
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business English
